Studies in Form

Some of the participating authors have abandoned the two-dimensional space of the drawing, and explore depth in the form of tangible objects; others remain on paper, sketching the human being – he who gives names to everything.

The paper, the room, and the silence between us are all separate entities; yet, they are not closed systems. Sculptural objects and sketches bridge the abstract and the real, the singular and the plural. A coin has two faces; a person, many more. How to capture that which disappears upon appearing? What happens to an object when it’s not being observed, and where does vacuum find its place? What does a mirror look like when it decides to wear a human face? Sketching gets its limits set by time; an object – by space. Existence is enabled by a removal of those limitations.

Participants: Anne Aaspõllu, Mikk Allas, Jazmin Karp, Helena Lasner, Karin Polluks, Mari Põld, Kristiina Tali, Eteri Tõlgo, Marge Vonk.

Design: Eteri Tõlgo