Perception is an echo of objects and phenomena in human consciousness, which interprets sensory stimuli and ties them into a whole. The brain is a centre for interpretation – we never perceive anything directly. The nose picks up a scent, which the brain identifies as rose, cake or corpse. When we look around, our brain makes sense of colours, shapes, dimensions and movement.

Is there a point to perceiving and interpreting, if every category already has its opposite – shadow to light, silence to sound? When everything has a counterpoint, should the world exist at all – wouldn’t it just be entropy where everything is cancelled? Yet, there is a cause for existence; something that doesn’t seem to have a negator – the human being, reaching out of the balance and asking: why an I?

Perceive the world that our painting media have created, let it flow into you.

Participants: Anne Aaspõllu, Maiu Albo, Mikk Allas, Eha Koit, Karin Polluks, Mari Põld, Ave Tislar, Eteri Tõlgo, Krista Urvet, Marge Vonk.