Anna Steinhäusler
Helena Tuudelepp
Margit Terasmees
Category Archives: Exhibitions
In Unknown Waters
25.10. – 17.11 2024
Curators Riin Pallon and Triinu Soikmets have invited 9 painters to participate in an exhibition that sees painting as a journey through soulscapes; diving into the deep waters of the subconscious, wandering the fields of emotion. Shadows grow darker, while bright light makes you feel like the Sun.
Participants: Miina Barrera Pinochet, Manfred Dubov, Eleriin Ello, Jenny Grönholm, Kalli Kalde, Riin Pallon, Leho Rubis, Marta Stratskas, Maria-Kristiina Ulas.
Mathura & S. J. Fowler. Kirikuju
Kirikuju, an exhibition at Rapla Contemporary Arts Centre, Estonia, opening September 20th, 2024.
A collaborative exhibition by Mathura and SJ Fowler, from Estonia and the UK, respectively, is treading the borderland of the visual and the poetic, figurative and verbal. Employing asemic writing as well as other novel forms of artistic expression, it calls to examine the presence of meaning even in an unexplained world. Can the visual form of a word change its meaning? Is poetry an art of senses rather than words? What do cave paintings tell us in a digitalizing world? These are some of the questions posed by the exhibition.
A short film by British visual artist David Spittle, displayed at the exhibition, documents the work in process and explores its starting points.
Open at the Rapla County Centre for Contemporary Art (Tallinna mnt 3b, Rapla, 3rd floor) from Sept 21 to Oct 13. Tue-Fri 15-18, Sat-Sun 12-15.
Artist talk: Oct 12. at 14.00.
Thanks to: Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Rapla Commune.
Enchanted by Great Art
Poster design: Markus Orgusaar
Simone Fezer,/ Kati Kerstna / Kai Koppel
Open March 8-31, 2024
A Conflation is defined as the process of uniting or blending separate objects, texts or ideas.
The world is made up of various opinions, viewpoints, cultures, races, religions, all mixing with each other, and it can sometimes look like there’s not enough space for them all. In tight situations, we perceive that our own point of view might not be the only valid one. To keep existing, one has a choice to encapsulate in one’s own bubble, or to react with violence, or, perhaps, to accept diversity.
Differences can enrich and enliven our world. An attempt at understanding can leave us perplexed, curious, or pleasantly surprised. It is a freeing sensation when we realize that the world is not a monoculture.
In this exhibition, we display the differing layers, analyze their past and future, interactions and fusions.
Part of the programme of the 6th Women’s Nights Film Festival in Rapla.
Opening March 7th at 19.00, with a performance by Simone Fezer.
Simone Fezer
Kai Koppel
Kati Kerstna
Erki Kannus: Route66
Feb. 3-25, 2024 at the RCCCA
Erki Kannus (1958) celebrates his 66th jubilee with this exhibition, displaying both very recent and very early paintings, drawings and objects.
I’m also a lifelong fan of Surrealism and the DADA movement. I’ve tried to understand the state of mind behind the creation of these works, to see what feeds the imagination. I’ve tried to find my own surreal visions, since I find this world relatable, attractive, and safe. Sometimes, I can make it work.
Open Studio
Riin Pallon & Kairi Orgusaar
Scenes from That Marriage
Scenes from That Marriage
Anne-Mai Heimola, Karmo Mende
Nov 18- Dec 10, 2023
A duo of scenographers, Anne-Mai Heimola and Karmo Mende, have set up an emotional, language-defying installation with which they seek to guess each other’s experiences. To create the whole, they utilise ready-made objects, large-scale paintings and custom lighting.
How do real-life experiences and communication build mental spaces? Whispers. Doubts. Misgivings. Suspicion. A corner of shame…
Karmo Mende (b. 1971) graduated from Tartu Arts School in 1991 and scenography at the Estonian Academy of Arts in 1995. Worked at various theatres and TV channels as art director. Since 2000 has been living and working in Finland, where he’s served as head of the Finnish Scenographers’ and Costumers’ Union, plus artist at Seinäjoki and Jyväskylä theatres. Participated as a freelancer in numerous projects by other Finnish theatres. Recently returning to his native country, he’s also head of the Estonian Scenographers’ Union.
Anne-Mai Heimola ( b. 1960) is a painter and scenographer. She graduated from scenography at the Estonian Academy of Arts in 1995, worked as set designer at the National Drama Theatre 1980-1986, as set painter at the National Opera and Ballet Theatre Estonia in 1995-2007, as artist, decorator, prop manager and costumer at the Von Krahl Theatre 2000-2012, and participated in numerous theatre and film projects as a freelancer. Member of the Esonian Artists’ Association and the Estonian Painters’ Union, she’s been participating in exhibitions since 1995. Her creative work also includes large-scale interior paintings. She experiments with a number of techniques from classic oil and tempera painting to her own inventions with earth pigments.
Graphic design: Kati Kerstna. Photos: Tiina Kõrtsini
Thanks to: Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Rapla County Municipalities Development Foundation.
Of Surfaces, Lines, and Eigenraums
Of Surfaces, Lines, and Eigenraums
Working in layered printmaking techniques shapes the artists’ modes of thinking; it is the language of the narrative. Seven artists have taken the tools of the printmaker, moving with them from the surface of paper into space. As a new mountain range arising, the question looms: can printmaking develop a third dimension? What will be its spatial properties? What sort of landscapes will artists generate in their varied techniques and eigenraums? Gestures, workshops and materials are undoubtedly present, endowed with a voice, part of the decision-making. Stone, paper, scissors, wood and fabrics – these are just a few of the substances possessing a voice and subjecthood on par with the author. We address the essential, empirical questions of our artistic practice, while pushing the limits and potential of printmaking in the wider landscape of contemporary art. Every author has focused on one particular technique, achieving a masterful synthesis of conceptualisation and craftsmanship. The exhibition hall has become a universe of techniques: lithography, serigraphy, linocut, typesetting, drypoint, photopolymeric print, etching and so on.
Surfaces form landscapes which have ceased to be flat; even the warmth and porousness of paper, the indentation left by the matrix, the ink colours – all contribute to the tactile, textured, layered quality of the works.
Lines can, in the present context, be considered both as the framework of classic printmaking, and subsequent attempts to overcome them, as well as lines on paper – the building blocks of graphic arts.
Eigenraums are formed by stages of the process, materials, planned and random events that coalesce into single masterpieces or series of works. An eigenraum is defined as each artist’s unique psychical and physical space, with its characteristic interpretation and self-reflection. It is more than the sum of the artists’ work, encompassing their life experiences, world views, and the new worlds they create.
Let us unroll the printmaking microcosms – we wish you a pleasant journey!
Artists: Britta Benno, Maria Erikson, Maria Izabella Lehtsaar, Mari Prekup, Lilli-Krõõt Repnau, Helen Tago, Kadri Toom
Curator: Britta Benno
Graphic design: Nelli Viisimaa
Thanks to: Rapla County Centre for Contemporary Art, Rapla County Municipalities’ Development Foundation, Cultural Endowmnént of Estonia, Estonian Academy of Arts printmaking department, Estonian Printmakers’ Association,
Open 21.10-12.12.2023 Tue-Sunl 15.00 – 18.00
Riin Pallon – Lyrics of the Lagoons
Riin Pallon – Lyrics of the Lagoons
Rapla Gymnasium, Kooli 8, Rapla
Oct 5 – Nov 10, 2023
In cooperation with Rapla County Centre for Contemporary Art
Riin Pallon wanders in the playgrounds of the subconcious, inspired by philosophical planes of thought, apocalyptic moods, dreams, but also questions such as what it means to be a female artist, to divide oneself between various roles and duties, looking for balance. In her lyrical and surreal perception of the inner and the outer world, she blends seemingly incompatible objects, throws in some free associations, forming new imagery and synergies.
In her first time exhibiting in this venue, dhe has drawn inspiration from the building and her memories of her own time at school there – the squeaky doors in the basement reflecting her own subconcious. Lagoons, with their warm, still water, connected to the ocean by just thin openings, resemble the area below consciousness, which also bears only limited ties to the outer world., yet can breed a rich habitat of heretofore unseen ideas.
Large flowers, in Pallon’s paintings, become symbolic of journeys in the soulscape, poetic representations of the inner world.
Text by:Triinu Soikmets, translation by Merle Kannus
Sponsored by: Rapla Municipality, Rapla County Centre for Contemporary Art, Rapla Gymnasium
Ado Tuuga. LOGO – from rubber glue to AI
Ado Tuuga
LOGO – from Rubber Glue to AI
Opening Sept 22 at 6pm.
Ado Tuuga (b.1953) is an accomplished graphic designer who’s been working in the field since the 1990s. In this exhibition, he presents his extensive collection of logo design, spanning decades, reflecting signs of the times – changing tools of the trade, changing fashions.
Educated as an architect, Tuuga started his career in the restoration of estate buildings, followed by a new, self-studied career in graphic design. As business was booming in newly independent Estonia, demand for visual identity was high. Tuuga also won the prestigious 2nd prize at the competition to design the Estonian currency, and went on to found his own graphic design and print studio Adograaf in 1994. The Rapla-based studio continues to operate , managed by the author’s sons.
This exhibition celebrates Tuuga’s 70th birthday along with his 30-year-long journey in his profession. The author sees the logo as a work of art, telling the story of a business, molding its identity, and requiring creativity, passion, philosophy, spirituality, and an eye for beauty, to design.
Open 23.09.-08.10.2023 Tue – Sun 15.00 – 18.00.
Sponsored by: Adograaf OÜ, Rapla Municipality, Cultural endowment of Estonia, Rapla County Municipalities’ Development Dounda Omavalitsuste Arengufond ja Raplamaa Kaasaegse Kunsti Keskus
Places of the World
An exhibitin of paintings
There seem to be no limits to human imagination – yet Nature still surpasses it every time. Red and black mountains, pink salt lakes, colourful desert sands, creatures of all shapes and sizes. All this is the inspiration to a group of painters – some experienced, some absolute beginners.
Maiu Albo, Mikk Allas, Mai Klemmer, Jürgen Lääne, Editha Salm, Ave Tislar, Helen Tammepuu, Eteri Tõlgo, Siret Varimõis.
Design Eteri Tõlgo
Open 13. – 28.05. 2023, between 15.00 – 18.00. Closed on Mondays.