New lighting – Stage 2

In July- August 2024, we fixed the power cables and built a network of 3-phaselighting tracks.

The system was engineered by Meelis Tähepõld. Construction work was done by Agur Tähepõld and Meelis Tähepõld.

We extend our gratitude to our sponsors: Meelis Tähepõld, Erki Kannus, ERCO, Kumu Art Museum.

Photos: Tiina Kõrtsini

Installation of new lighting at the RCCCA

Our art centre has finally begun the installation of a new lighting system. On July 7th and 8th, our community came together to work on the ceiling.

The project was financed by the Civil Society Foundation, and mentored by Meelis Tähepõld. Project manager: Kairi Orgusaar.

Work done by: Maiu Albo, Merle Kannus, Erki Kannus, Kati Kerstna, Kairi Orgusaar, Riin Pallon, Avo Päädam, Editha Salm, Olga Sokk, Ave Tislar, Eteri Tõlgo, Siret Varimõis.

Photos by Tiina Kõrtsini, Ave Tislar, Meelis Tähepõld, Maiu Albo.

Escape – Room – Landscape

22.11 -15.12.24

The exhibition becomes a stage for a newly created landscape, born from tuning the materials. The fragile and impermanent dimension is expressed through paper clay, while earthenware objects contrast this with their claim for eternity. Different viewpoints give hints of figurativeness; someone has left their reflections here. Long pauses, silence and tragedy are present as well.  It is a poetic, composed landscape, inspiring longing, a desire to escape to, to be part of.

Anna Steinhäusler
Helena Tuudelepp
Margit Terasmees

In Unknown Waters

25.10. – 17.11 2024

Curator Riin Pallon has invited 10 painters to participate in an exhibition that sees painting as a journey through soulscapes; diving into the deep waters of the subconscious, wandering the fields of emotion. Shadows grow darker, while bright light makes you feel like the Sun.

Participants: Manfred Dubov, Eleriin Ello, Jenny Grönholm, Riin Pallon
Läbirääkimised toimuvad järgmiste kunstnikega: Leho Rubis, Saskia Järve, Marta Stratskas et al.

Kirikuju. Meeting the authors

On October 12, at 14.00, just before the closing, one of the authors of “Kirikuju” exhibition, Mathura, will meet the audience, casting some light on the backstory of this exhibition,  and exposing some details about the series of images on display. There will also be poetry recitings,  a showing of the film by David Spittle, and another, a recording of Steven J Fowler’s performance in London.

Mathura & S. J. Fowler. Kirikuju

Kirikuju, an exhibition at Rapla Contemporary Arts Centre, Estonia, opening September 20th, 2024.

A collaborative exhibition by Mathura and SJ Fowler, from Estonia and the UK, respectively, is treading the borderland of the visual and the poetic, figurative and verbal. Employing asemic writing as well as other novel forms of artistic expression, it calls to examine the presence of meaning even in an unexplained world. Can the visual form of a word change its meaning? Is poetry an art of senses rather than words? What do cave paintings tell us in a digitalizing world? These are some of the questions posed by the exhibition.

A short film by British visual artist David Spittle, displayed at the exhibition,  documents the work in process and explores its starting points.

Open at the Rapla County Centre for Contemporary Art (Tallinna mnt 3b, Rapla, 3rd floor) from Sept 21 to Oct 13. Tue-Fri 15-18, Sat-Sun 12-15.

Artist talk: Oct 12. at 14.00.

Thanks to: Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Rapla Commune.




Enchanted by Great Art

Copying is one of the methods by which painters learn their craft. Students of the RCCCA painting course have created copies of great artworks, including authors such as Leonardo da Vinci, Jüri Arrak, Vincent Van Gogh, Navitrolla,  Konrad Mägi and others.
The exhibition also features a number of original artworks.
Participants: Maiu Albo, Mikk Allas, Mai Klemmer, Eha Koit, Avo Päädam, Editha Salm, Olga Sokk, Ave Tislar, Eteri Tõlgo ja Siret Varimõis.
Exhibition design: Eteri Tõlgo
Poster design: Markus Orgusaar
Open 04.05 – 19.05.2024.

Riburadamisi – In Mother Tongue

On Mother Tongue Day, March 17th, 3pm, Ly Ehin and Valter Uusberg will discuss Estonian poetry and song at the RCCCA.

The discussion is followed by a concert, performed by Sten-Olle Moldau, Riinimanda Studio Youth Choir, August 07 mixed choir.

Conductors: Helen Allikvee, Ele Andok, Pärt and Urve Uusberg.

Meeting with Erki Kannus

Sunday, Feb. 18, at 13.00 artist Erki Kannus meets the audience at his solo exhibition “ROUTE 66”. A short concert follows the discussion, using instruments that are part of the exhibition.


Simone Fezer,/ Kati Kerstna / Kai Koppel
Open   March 8-31, 2024

A Conflation is defined as the process of uniting or blending separate objects, texts or ideas.

The world is made up of various opinions, viewpoints, cultures, races, religions, all mixing with each other, and it can sometimes look like there’s not enough space for them all. In tight situations, we perceive that our own point of view might not be the only valid one. To keep existing, one has a choice to encapsulate in one’s own bubble, or to react with violence, or, perhaps, to accept diversity.

Differences can enrich and enliven our world. An attempt at understanding can leave us perplexed, curious, or pleasantly surprised. It is a freeing sensation when we realize that the world is not a monoculture.

In this exhibition, we display the differing layers, analyze their past and future, interactions and fusions.

Part of the programme of the 6th Women’s Nights Film Festival in Rapla.
Opening March 7th at 19.00, with a performance by Simone Fezer.

Simone Fezer 
Kai Koppel      
Kati Kerstna   




Erki Kannus: Route66

Erki Kannus

Feb. 3-25, 2024 at the RCCCA

Erki Kannus (1958) celebrates his 66th jubilee with this exhibition, displaying  both very recent and very early paintings, drawings and objects.

The artist describes how the exhibition came together:
“In Spring 2023, I re-bought an old print of my own creation, that had been in the collection of Matti Milius, dissolved after the collector’s death. This is one of my earliest works ever displayed, from 1977 or ’78, and the only surviving work from that time. Back then, we used to be a group of art school graduates, enchanted by Constructivism and Suprematism.  Leonhard Lapin was our  great friend and mentor.
I have returned to those themes now and again, and now, finding inspiration from my past, I painted a whole new series.

I’m also a lifelong fan of Surrealism and the DADA movement. I’ve tried to understand the state of mind behind the creation of these works, to see what feeds the imagination. I’ve tried to find my own surreal visions, since I find this world relatable,  attractive, and safe. Sometimes, I can make it work.

Open  03. – 25.02. 2024
Tue-Fri 15.00 – 18.00
Sat-Surn12.00 – 15.00
Mon closed

Rapla County Centre for Contemporary Art