
An exhibition of the Estonian Sculptors’ Association and sculpture students of the Pallas art school
08.04-30.04. 2023. Tue – Sun 15.00 – 18.00

As part of their course, students were asked to hold a visual dialogue with their professors. Head of department, Anne Rudanovski, says: “Learning only happens when minds are aligned.” This exhibition demonstrates the fruits of the non-hierarchical teaching method employed by the school.

Participants: Elo Liiv, Villu Jaanisoo, Leena Kuutma, Paul Mänd,
Terje Ojaver, Berit Talpsepp-Jaanisoo ja Helli Aas, Toomas Bent, Rasmus Hirv, Raigo Kannike, Viktor Kiss, Helene Lüüsi, Elena Madaminova, Ketter Mägi, Tõru-Tõnn Parts, Lotta Karoliina Räsänen, Andreas Tukmann, Carmen Ööbik.

Näituse töögrupp:

Curators: Liina Kinks, Leena Kuutma.
Display design: Viktor Kiss.
Graphic design: Helli Aas, Kert Elliott Mägi.
Lighting design: Kati Kerstna

Leena Kuutma.
Phone. +(372) 5296820, Leena [dot] Kuutma [at] pallasart [dot] ee